Provision of Guidelines for Road Side Safety

This is the ninth transnationally funded research programme carried out under the CEDR Transnational Road Research Programme. The participating CEDR members are Austria, Belgium (Flanders), Finland, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Norway, Slovenia, Sweden and the United Kingdom. These road administrations have committed funding for the research and also provide experts for the selection and technical management
of the projects. The Call is being managed on behalf of CEDR by Rijkswaterstaat in the Netherlands. The main objective of PROGReSS is to utilise existing guidelines and to develop recommendations for a standardised approach for the design and maintenance of safe roadsides on primary European roads. The work will also focus on maintenance aspects and the safety of workers and road users during road side

maintenance. Not only will the project utilise and consolidate existing European and international knowledge, it will harness this to develop a practical and easy to use (decision support) tool with which road authorities will be able to assess and develop the most effective strategy for ensuring safe road side design and operation. The tool will be piloted in a number of the countries funding this research programme.